High Blood Pressure, the Murderer 

High Blood Pressure, the Murderer

Next time you are along with your three or four colleagues, have a view around; one of you will suffering from high BP. As the high Blood Pressure has no such symptoms so, it is actually not easy to diagnose it. Untreated above normal blood pressure could lead to heart attack, congestive heart failure, stroke, or kidney failure. There is contribution of various factors to this illness that are under as well as out of control. The alone method to learn if you are suffering from high BP is to get your BP diagnosed. One can also name your high BP as a Silent Killer because it is not easily apparent but very dangerous.

All the important functions of your body are done by your brain, in this manner, it requires clear blood flow. If you are steadily facing high BP then it is very much possible that it will make your blood vessels feeble. At times these frailed blood vessels can split up, and blood may leak into the brain. The leakage of blood into the brain can also lead to stroke because this afflicted part of brain would become numb. Also, when a blood clot packs a threadlike artery, blood ceases to flow and a stroke will happen. Characteristics of a stroke comprise sudden dumbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body, disturbance, difficulty speaking, or in vision and also sudden severe headache.
Untreated above average blood pressure

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